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21 mars 2013 4 21 /03 /mars /2013 11:39

Nico jugara los torneos de San Juan Potosi, Leon ,Guadalajara y Panama City .


Nico's next tournaments : San Juan Potosi, Leon, Guadalajara and Panama City.

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12 mars 2013 2 12 /03 /mars /2013 10:05

Nico tiene una invitacion al cuadro principal del Futuro de Cabalasas,California, y en la primera ronda debutara ante el australiano Matheson Klein (527°)


Nico got a WC to play the main draw of the Future in Cabalasas,Cabalasas.In the first round round he will face Matheson Kein (AUS 527°)


Location: Cabalasas,California

Dates: 10-17 Marzo 2013

Superficie: Outdoor Hard

Prize money: 15.000$


Nico's part of the draw:


(1) T.Sandgren (USA) vs M.H Abid (TUN)

(WC) NICO MASSU (CHI) vs M.Klein (AUS)


K.Hossam (EGY) vs B.Fratangelo (USA)

J.S Nam (KOR) vs S.Singh( IND)

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5 février 2013 2 05 /02 /février /2013 23:04

Nico Massu vs Albert Montanes,primera ronda del VTR Open.


Nico perdio 7-6 (6) 3-6 4 -6 .





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23 janvier 2013 3 23 /01 /janvier /2013 03:22

Nicolas Massú (617º) derrotó 6-3 y 6-2 a Agustín Velotti (182º)  tras 1 hora y 21 minutos de juego. Enfrentará a Federico Delbonis (ARG) en la segunda ronda.

Este miercoles juega el dobles con Ricardo Hocevar y debutarán ante la pareja A.Velotti y F.Arguello, ultima turno,cancha 2.


Nico won 6-3 6-2 vs Agustin Velotti (ARG 182°) in 1h21.In the next round , he will play Federico Delbonis.

On wednesday he will plays the doubles with Ricardo Hocevar and they will face the team from Argentina A.Velotti / F.Arguello last match on court 2 .




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22 janvier 2013 2 22 /01 /janvier /2013 00:42

Nico debutara este martes en la cancha central del Tenis Seguros Bolivar Open de Bucaramanga contra Agustin Velotti (ARG, 182°) cerca de las 20:30 (hora de Chile)


Nico will play Agustin Velotti (ARG 182°) on Center Court on tuesday evening , not before 6:30 pm (Colombia time).


Order of play 22/01/2013


Cancha Central


Matches start at 12:30pm

Carlos Salamanca (COL) vs Ricardo Hocevar (BRA)


Followed by

Renzo Olivo (ARG) vs Wayne Odesnik (USA)


Not before 5pm

F.Bagnis / F.Delbonis (ARG) vs A.Motti (ITA) /C.Salamanca (COL)


Not before 6:30pm

NICO MASSU (CHI) vs Agustin Velotti (ARG)




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21 janvier 2013 1 21 /01 /janvier /2013 00:53

Nico esta de vuelta en las canchas del Seguros Bolívar Open de Bucaramanga,Colombia con una invitacion al cuadro principal.Debutará contra Agustin Velotti ( 182°, ARG) en la primera ronda del torneo.


After monthes of injuries, Nico is finally back on courts and begins the season with the Challenger of Bucaramanga, Colombia, where he got a WildCard to the main draw.

In the first round he will play for the first time  Agustin Velotti, born in 1992 in Argentina,and currently 182° at the ATP ranking.


Location : Bucaramanga, Colombia

Dates : 21 - 27 enero

Superficie : Arcilla, Clay

Prize money : 35 000$


Nico's part of the draw


(8) P.Capdeville (CHI) vs T.Gabashvili (RUS)

G.Clezar (BRA) vs N.Barrientos (COL)

M.Trungelitti (ARG) vs M.Demoliner (BRA)

(WC)  E.Struvay (COL) vs (4) J.Souza (BRA)


(6) F.Delbonis (ARG) vs A.Ghem (BRA)

(WC) NICO MASSU (CHI) vs A.Velotti (ARG)

P.Sousa (POR) vs F.De Paula (BRA)

J.C Campozano (ECU) vs (2) R.Dutra Silva (BRA)


Oficial Site : Tenis Seguros Bolivar

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17 octobre 2012 3 17 /10 /octobre /2012 08:52

Nicolás Massú debutará ante Horacio Zeballos (ARG 125) en la primera ronda del Challenger de Villa Allende, este miercoles a las 12hs.


Nicolas will play Horacio Zeballos (ARG 125°) in the first round of the Villa Allende Challenger, on wednesday, 12h ( Argentina time).


Order of play 17/10/2012


Cancha central


Matches start at 12h (Argentina time)

NICO MASSU (CHI) vs Horacio Zeballos (ARG)


Followed by

Marco Trungelliti (ARG) vs Guido Andreozzi (ARG)


Followed by

F.Arguello (ARG)/ J.Marti (ESP) vs A.Van Der Duim / B.Westerhof (NED)


Not before 19h30

Leonardo Mayer (ARG) vs Diego Junqueira (ARG)



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14 octobre 2012 7 14 /10 /octobre /2012 03:33

Nicolás Massú sigue en Argentina este semana y debutará ante Horacio Zeballos (ARG, 123)  en la 1ra ronda del challenger de Villa Allende. Nico tiene una invitacion al cuadro principal.


Nico is still in Argentina this week , and will be at the Copa Agco Cordoba,in Villa Allende,where he got a WC for the main draw. In the first round, he will play Horacio Zeballos, born in Argentina in 1985 and currently #123 at the ATP ranking.


They have played each other twice and Nico won once.

2009 : Bogota2, Colombia, Clay, Nico lost 6-7(6), 6-1, 6-4.

2011 : Medellin, Colombia, Clay, Nico won 4-6, 6-4, 6-4.


Location :Villa Allende, Argentina

Date : 14-21 october

Superficie : arcilla, clay

Prize money : 50.000$


Nico's part of the draw


(6) Paul Capdeville (CHI) vs Qualifier

Javier Martin (ESP) vs Guillermo Duran (ARG)

Qualifier vs Andrea Collarini (USA) 

Facundo Arguello (ARG) vs (4) Rogerio Dutra Silva (BRA)


(5) Martin Alund (ARG) vs Qualifier

Maximo Gonzalez (ARG) vs Diego Sebastian Schwartzman (ARG)

Julio Cezar Camponzano (ECU) vs Leandro Migani (ARG)

NICO MASSU (CHI) vs (2) Horacio Zeballos (ARG)





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8 octobre 2012 1 08 /10 /octobre /2012 23:44

Nicolás Massú debutará ante Andrea Collarini (USA, 347°) en la primera ronda del cuadro principal de la Copa San Juan, este martes a las 20h, en cancha central.


Nico will play Andrea Collarini ( 347°, USA) in the first round of the San Juan Challenger, on tuesday around 20h (San Juan time)


They have never played each other in an ATP main draw event.


Order of play 09/10/2012


Cancha Central


Matches start at 11h30 (San Juan Time)

Martin Alund (ARG) vs Diego Junqueira (ARG)


Not before 14h

Marco Trungelliti (ARG) vs Eduardo Schwank (ARG)


Followed by

Horacio Zeballos (ARG) vs Thiemo De Bakker (NED)


Not before 18h

Facundo Alvo (ARG) vs Leandro Migani (ARG)


Not before 20h

Andrea Collarini (USA) vs NICO MASSU (CHI)



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7 octobre 2012 7 07 /10 /octobre /2012 23:42

Nicolás está ahora en Argentina y jugará ante un jugador de la qualy en la primera ronda del cuadro principal de la Copa San Juan .


Nico is now in Argentina and will play a qualy player in the first round on the Copa San Juan main draw.


Location : San Juan , ARGENTINA

Date : 8-14 octubre

Superficie : Arcilla, clay

Prize money : 35.000$


Nico's part of the draw


(2) Rogerio Dutra Silva (BRA) vs Paul Capdeville (CHI)

(SE) Ricardo Hocevar (BRA) vs Guido Andreozzi (ARG)


Ivan Navarro (ESP) vs John Patrick Smith (AUS)

Qualifier vs (3) Guido Pella (ARG)


(8) Martin Alund (ARG) vs (WC) Diego Junqueira (ARG)

Marco Trungelliti (ATG) vs Eduardo Schwank (ARG)


Qualifier vs (SE) NICO MASSU (CHI)

Gastao Etlias (POR) vs (2) Joao Sousa (POR)



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